VS Code - DevContainer

The easiest way to get your development environment setup is by using VS Code with Dev Containers, this utilises Docker containers to setup a development environment that guarantees a match with all other developers, removing any potential headaches from incompatibilities.


  • VS Code

  • Docker

  • Remote - Containers (VS Code extension)


  1. Copy the recommended files inside .devcontainer

  2. Paste them in the same folder, remove the recommended- from the filename

  3. In most cases no other changes will be required with these files


Please ensure that the recommended-xxx files are not removed as this would remove them from the repository when committed.

When you open the repository with VS Code, a prompt to “Reopen in container” should now appear. This will start the build of the development container with all components and extensions pre-installed.


If you don’t see the notification, open the command pallet and select Dev Containers: Open Folder in Container